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A.D. June 2016

OK, well, the State of Black Science Fiction Convention,, is over and I must say that I had a really good time there. Being held from June 11-12, (The 11th being my birthday) I was asked to serve on two panels, “The pitfalls of Self Publishing” and “Mass Marketing Black Science fiction”. While I did speak on my experiences and observations of doing what I do, I would say that I certainly gained more wisdom than I taught. I got to meet some incredible people as well and gained a new viewpoint on what I do, how I do it and how I can help others.

On the horizon is a convention that I will be attending for the first time, The Geek Gathering, This show is being held in Sheffield, Alabama from Sept. 17-18, 2016. I’ve never been there but I’ve heard some good things about it. Plus, I will get a chance to catch up with another creator who will be there, Geoffrey Gwin!  Geoffrey is an artist that I had the pleasure of working with when Jericho Projects first started!

Regarding the new book mentioned in the last blog, we are currently cranking away on that endeavor. Once again, it’s a fumetti book, like Avörya, and Akiko Stilman plans to return and play her character, Jalene. Other than that, I will keep the rest under wraps as we will be working on a new character that should raise a few eyebrows.

I have also started a blog last year! From time to time, I post on things that cross my mind and offer some thoughts on them, whether they are good, bad, serious, humorous or whatever my perspective is. Most recently, I wrote about the death of Prince and how that affected me. Come by and take a look for yourself.

Remember that all of our books are available on by doing a search on Ms. Johnni or Avörya.

May Jah Bless you all.


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