About: admin

Recent Posts by admin

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A.D. August 2023

I keep saying that I will update this more often. And I keep failing. Maybe some day. 😉

Plenty of things have been happening within the past year. I’ve done two conventions since arriving in the sunshine state. The first one was SW Florida Comic Con in November of 2022, a one day show in Ft. Myers. This was my first show since moving here and was...

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2022 Check in

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A.D. May 2022

What a time it’s been lately!

We did manage to have a convention showing at the Super Duper Con in Schertz, Tx. That was a fun show and we finally got to sell some copies of Appalachian Assassin in person to some new fans along with our other standard books. On a personal note, one of the best things about this show was...

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2021 Still at work

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A.D. May 2021

Yet, another long overdue update, par for the course. 😉

Our graphic novel, Appalachian Assassin, has picked up a major Publisher/distributor!

Markosia Publishing, based in the United Kingdom, has agreed to publish our book and will be distributing it as well! Markosia has the license for many well known properties such as Kong, Starship Troopers, Young Sherlock...

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2019 musings

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A.D. June 2019

I do not update the blogs enough, I will admit. But as always, we are never at a loss for activities.

Our graphic novel, Appalachian Assassin, has progressed quite a bit over the past year! We are approaching having 88 pages written, inked and lettered. We also brought on a talented digital artist named Summer Dale who did an alternate cover for the book that is astonishing! The...

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Happenings in 2018!

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A.D. May 2018

It’s been awhile and as always, there’s been quite a bit going on!

We have finally started working on our first official full length graphic novel, Appalachian Assassin. This ambitious book will be 100 pages and I’m working with a new artist, Carl Embalzado. I’m also working with an editor for the first time, Chuck Pineau. This will be the first time that I have ever worked with an editor and It’s long over due. I’m also getting a chance...
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